Pickled Tomatoes with Bubbies Brine

Pickled Tomatoes with Bubbies Brine

We hear our fans and share in their sadness over the loss of our pickled green tomatoes. Unfortunately, Bubbies Pickled Green Tomatoes were in limited production due to crop quality and limitations each calendar year. We sincerely apologize for this discontinuance and sincerely appreciate your support of this product throughout the years. We hope to have an alternative new product developed in the near future to replace them.

In the meantime, we’d like to share a quick and easy recipe to curb your pickled tomato cravings. This recipe requires that you save your pickle brine (which we know it’s hard to do. It’s so yummy to drink out of the jar) from our kosher dills.

What you’ll need:

  • 2 cups of Bubbies Naturally Fermented Kosher Dill brine (about the amount left in the jar if you ate all the pickles and drank no brine)
  • 1.5 cups of cherry, sungold, mini heirloom tomatoes
  • A few bunches of fresh dill

How to pickle your own tomatoes:

  • Rinse cherry tomatoes thoroughly and carefully drop them into a jar of Bubbies brine.
  • Add 3-5 sprigs of fresh dill depending on your preference.
  • Tighten your lid and place in the fridge. It should take about a week or more for the centers of the tomatoes to have a pickled texture and flavor but it’s worth the wait.

For more ideas on what to do with tomatoes, check out our late summer gazpacho recipe.

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